Groupement Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts d'Horlogerie

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The Société Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts was a cooperative society established in 1907 by the Chambre Suisse de l'Horlogerie in response to five widespread strikes in the watch spring industry. It was replaced by the association called Groupement Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts d'Horlogerie in 1945 and placed under the UBAH later.


The Société Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts was established on November 5, 1907 by the Chambre Suisse de l'Horlogerie in response to five widespread strikes in the watch spring industry. The organization regulated working hours, pay, and conditions at the various watch spring workshops, especially in La Chaux-de-Fonds. The creation of the organization was driven by Fritz Huguenin, secretary general of the Chambre Suisse de l'Horlogerie. The strike in La Chaux-de-Fonds was settled first, with a commission sent to Bienne and the Saint-Imier valley to end the strikes there.

Under the agreement, work hours were set at 10 hours per day and workers received a general pay increase. The cooperative factory Le Soleil was allowed to continue to exist, and striking workers got their jobs back.

The initial central committee was composed of Louis-Emile Perret (president), Gustave Corbat (vice president), Emile Frickard (secretary), Fritz Amez-Droz (treasurer), Jules Schweingruber, Alcide Linder, and Fritz-Rubin Maire. The organization was renewed on January 17, 1916 with Fritz Amez-Droz (president), L. Albert Perret (vice president), Alfred Schwab (treasurer), Charles Ryser, Louis Geiser, F. Rubin-Maire, and Albert Juvet.

On April 5, 1930, the central committee was again modified. Camille Flotron became president, Hans Hofmann became vice-president, Jules-Paul Schmitt-Müller became secretary and treasurer, and Charles Buhler, Charles Ryser, Fernand Rubin, Emile Schweingruber, Albert Hofstetter, and printer Jules Paul-Muller becoming members. Fritz-Amez-Droz, L. Albert Perret, Alfred Schwab, Louis Geiser, F. Rubin-Maire, and Albert Juvet were deregistered. By 1934 René Perret, Maurice Braehotte, and Victor Beuchat joined the central committee as Charles Bühler, Emile Schweingruber, and Albert Hofstetter left. The office was moved in 1934 to Rue Numa Droz 27 in La Chaux-de-Fonds.

In August 1942 the central committee was modified, with Emile Bleuer becoming president following Camille Flotron's death, Marcel Bühler becoming vice-president, Albert de Coulon becoming secretary, Victor Beuchat named treasurer, and Georges Hirschy, Hans Notz, Georges Dubois, and André Schweingruber appointed members. The offices were moved to Rue de la Serre 58.

At the general meeting of January 27, 1945, the Société Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts was dissolved. The assets and liabilities were taken over by the new association, Groupement Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts d'Horlogerie in Boudry.


On January 27, 1945, a new association known as the Groupement Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts d'Horlogerie was created in Boudry to replace the former Société Suisse des Fabricants de Ressorts. The association took over the assets and liabilities of the former organization and formed a new governing committee. Members were Emile Bleuer (president), André Schweingruber (vice-president), Albert de Coulon (secretary), and Victor Beuchat, Edouard Brand, Georges Dubois, Georges Hirschy, and Louis Sandoz. The offices were at Rue Oscar Huguenin 7 in Boudry.

The GSFRH took over the assets of the spring company of Arsène Breguard of Bonfol in April 1965. It took over the trademarks of the former Emile Geiser company of La Chaux-de-Fonds on June 8, 1966, including Fidélia, Lion, Tiger, and Charles Robert.

The organization was placed under the UBAH, alongside Fabriques d'Assortiments Réunies, Nivarox SA, l'Association des Fabricants Suisses de Pignons, l'Association Suisse des Fabricants de Pierres d'Horlogerie et Scientifique, l'Association Suisse des Fabricants de Cadrans, Groupement des Fabricants d'Aiguilles de Montres, and l'Union Suisse des Fabricants de Boîtes de Montres.