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Couvet was a municipality in the Val-de-Travers in Canton Neuchâtel. It is located along the main valley road between Fleurier and Boveresse to the west and Travers to the east.

While nearby Fleurier was famous for its watchmaking skills, Couvet was more associated with larger clocks. Although clockmakers were traditionally associated with Verrières (Guye), Fleurier (Jeanjaquet), and Môtiers, the industry focused on Couvet through the 18th century. The smaller settlement of Boveresse was also known for clockmaking, as several generations of the Bezencenet family worked there. One of these joined forces with Jean-Henry Petitpierre, one of the most remarkable among the local clockmakers. It is from this workshop that the most varied and notable clocks came.

Beside Petitpierre, the Berthoud family was well-known in clockmaking. Working in Couvet and Travers, these makers included David Morlet, who in 1745 bore the title of “Watchmaker to the King of Poland”. The pendulum clocks of Couvet were mainly made the “big ringtone” movement. From a technical point of view, it was the finest moment in this industry.