Louis-Edmond Gagnebin

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Louis-Edmond Gagnebin (1879-1959) was a Swiss banker and industrialist.

Edmond Gagnebin took over the factory of his father, Numa Gagnebin, before World War I. In 1928 he reorganized the firm as Société Anonyme Les Fils de Numa Gagnebin, which produced watches under the name Numa.

Gagnebin was involved in banking and trade unions, especially in the French-speaking regions of Canton Berne. He was a member of the management for the Banque Cantonale Bernoise in Tramelan from 1921 through 1952. He was also a member of the steering committee for the Association Cantonale Bernoise des Fabricants d'Horlogerie from 1928 through 1957 and was a delegate for the canton of Bern to the Chambre Suisse de l'Horlogerie from 1927 through 1957. He also served on the board of directors for the Société des Fabricants d'Horlogerie in Tramelan and the Fédération Suisse des Associations de Fabricants d'Horlogerie (FH) from 1928 through 1939.

Edmond Gagnebin died in 1959.