Fabriques de Spiraux Réunies
Société des Fabriques de Spiraux Rèunies (FSR) was founded in 1895 as a cartel to control the manufacture of balance springs. The company incorporated the five major producers at that time, buying out the others, and becoming the sole maker of these critical components for a few years. Although competing factories and technology changes soon brought new competition, FSR remained a major concern for decades. It was incorporated into ASUAG in 1932, and later merged with FAR and Nivarox.
Initial members of FSR included the following companies:
- Baehni of Bienne
- Jules Huguenin of La Chaux-de-Fonds
- George Sandoz of Geneva
- Charles Dufaux of Geneva
- Philippe-Auguste Guye of Geneva
The creation of FSR also resulted in the end of spring production for some existing companies: