Fritz Thalmann

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Clement Frédéric Guillaume "Fritz" Thalmann was a prominent watch dealer in Saint-Imier and Bienne in the late 19th century. He married Marie Elise Jeanneret, sister of watchmaker Jules-Frédéric Jeanneret, and their daughters married watchmakers Albert Jeanneret, Fritz Moeri, and Ernest Künzli. He was likely related to Bienne watchmaker Henri Thalmann, perhaps his brother.

Fritz Thalmann married Marie Elise Jeanneret on December 15, 1855 in Dombresson. This was about the same time that her brother Jules-Frédéric Jeanneret (1830-1892) married Cécile Sandoz there. Thalmann was already engaged in the manufacture of stopwatches and chronographs in Saint-Imier by this time and likely brought his brother-in-law to the town. Jeanneret and Thalmann would remain closely connected, with both using the Colombe brand and Thalmann distributing his watches. The eldest Jeanneret son, Albert, would marry one of Thalmann's daughters, as would his business partner Fritz Moeri and watchmaker Ernest Künzli.

In 1885 Thalmann and his brother in law Jules-Frédéric Jeanneret purchased the Usine du Parc, a steam-powered factory in Saint-Imier. Production of watches was established there soon after by Thalmann's son in law (and Jeanneret's son) Albert Jeanneret and his two brothers. This company would become known as Excelsior Park. Another son in law, Fritz Moeri, partnered Albert Jeanneret to construct a larger factory across the street, which became the Moeris factory.

Another related company was Jules Calame-Robert, which formed a joint venture with Fritz Thalmann and Jules-Frédéric Jeanneret in 1883. Thalmann Jeanneret & Cie was well-funded by Thalmann and focused on manufacturing ebauches at the Jeanneret workshop in Saint-Imier. The firm was ultimately unsuccessful and was dissolved in October 1886.

Fritz Thalmann ran for mayor of Saint-Imier in 1894 but dropped out despite being aligned with the workers opposing mayor Lucien Mathey. Instead, Thalmann took the role of president of the municipal assembly. Thalmann was proposed as a judge for the district of Courtelary in 1898. He was replaced two years later by Tramelan watchmaker Ariste Châtelain.

Thalmann's daughters married prominent watchmakers as well. Bertha Thalmann married Ernest Künzli (1857-1921), founder of the Court ebauche factory Hänni & Künzli. Emma Thalmann married Albert Jeanneret (1855-1899), founder of Excelsior Park, on May 9, 1884. And Lina Thalmann (died after 1935, could be 1869-1954) married Fritz Moeri (1860-October 23, 1935), founder of Moeris.
