Fleurier Watch Co

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Fleurier Watch Co. is a watch and movement manufacturer founded in 1902 in Fleurier, Switzerland joining ASUAG in 1932, and resurrected by Arcadia in 2011.


The town of Fleurier has a long history of watchmaking, remaining a center of production today with Parmigiani and Vaucher Manufacture. The Borle and Jéquier names are familiar in Fleurier watchmaking, dating back to the mid 19th century.

The roots of the eponymous Fleurier Watch Co. were later dated to 1858, though this date is not directly tied to the later firm.

On August 1, 1850, Henri Vaucher, Edouard Jequier, and Jules Jequier, watchmakers in Fleurier, formed a general partnership to produce watches with a duration of 4 years. The company was called Jequier et Vaucher and was active from that date to November 15, 1852, when it was prematurely dissolved. Edouard and Jules Jequier liquidated the firm, replacing it with a new company called Jequier Frères et Cie which continued the same line of business in Fleurier.

Jéquier Frères were watchmakers since 1853, with Jéquier et Reymond listed in 1866 and Paul Jéquier and Ulysse Jéquier appearing in 1869. Jules Jéquier appears in 1873 as Jéquier Frères is removed. Ulysse is gone after 1880 and only Jéquier et Petitpierre (genre Anglais, seconde au centre at Grande Rue 3) and Numa Jequier (at Perron 12) are listed in 1886. Jules-Samuel Jéquier founded a watchmaking company in Fleurier specializing in "Chinoise" watches at Grande Rue 3 in 1889 and Jequier et Petitpierre disappears in 1893.

On January 1, 1894 Jules-Samuel Jéquier and his sons Jules-Henri Jéquier and Charles Jéquier-Borle formed a new firm in Fleurier under the name Jéquier Frères et Cie. This was a general partnership for the manufacture and sale of watches, specializing in central seconds. The firm was located at Pasquier 1 and is perhaps a successor or companion firm to Jequier et Petitpierre, though Jules continues in operation. C. Jéquier-Borle was a producer of silver cases at Pasquier 1 by 1894. Louis-Emile Borle produced gold and silver watch cases from 1865 until 1877. In August 1899 the general partnership Jéquier Frères et Cle was dissolved due to the retirement of Jules-Samuel Jéquier. The company continued under the name Jéquier Frères under Jules-Henri Jéquier and Charles Jéquier-Borle.

Another important firm was Borle et Jéquier, the first "rebel" balance spring maker. It was established in June 1896, less than a year after the announcement of the FSR cartel, and continued in operation until 1932.

Borle and Jéquier ran other watch companies as well: Jéquier Frères was a producer of watches for the English market, C. Jequier-Borle produced Roskopf watches, and another firm with the same name also produced watch cases and claimed the Tell, Corma, Orabek, Andika, and Inimitable brand names.

Fleurier Watch Co

A Société Anonyme was created on April 4, 1902 and was managed by Paul Jéquier. It incorporated many local brands over the next half century, including the original Arcadia.

The company was brought into ASUAG in 1932, with movement manufacturing portion, Fabrique d’ébauches de Fleurier, becoming part of Ebauches SA.

The company and its brands gradually disappeared over the next few decades, even as Ebauches SA grew to become part of ETA in today's Swatch Group. The movement manufacturing component of the business was sold to Chopard in 1996, with their historic building following in 2000. Today, the former Fleurier movement works are a core component of Chopard's manufacture capability.

Arcadia was re-established in 2010 by Claude Sanz. Now located in Geneva, Arcadia acquired the Fleurier Watch Co. name as well in 2011 with plans to return to Fleurier for production.

Other Firms

William Borle-Jéquier hired architects Prince & Béguin to build him a villa and estate in Fleurier in 1904.

See Also